Packet Coders YouTube Channel
First up, if you haven`t heard, we released our Packet Coders YT channel.
Come and subscribe to get updated when the latest videos drop!
Check out our first 2 videos below - enjoy ...
In Case You Missed It
As well as the Packet Coders YT channel, here are some other updates from us, just in case you missed them...
Network Configuration with Scrapli
Learn how to configure, parse and automate your network with the latest open-source tool - Scrapli.

Diff`ing the Network (difflib) - Part 1
A look at the different tools that we can use to perform a differential comparison—ranging from difflib for text block comparison to the more advanced diffsync.
Network Testing Spotlight
When it comes to testing the network. There are a lot of different permutations and areas of the network to test. This post wraps up how to structure your
network testing along with providing code examples in the code repository provided. One thing I would say: if you read 1 post of 2021, that can help you with your network testing then this is it!
The networking test pyramid
An automated test suite is the key to continuous integration (CI), the DevOps practice of rapidly integrating changes into mainline. The test suite is run on every change to check that individual modules and the

Contribute to intentionet/test-pyramid development by creating an account on GitHub.
Open-source Updates
What You Need to Know About NetBox v3.0
NetBox has proven itself as the go-to solution for infrastructure resource management, having been purpose-built for enabling network automation. Learn more about our upcoming major release, NetBox v3.0.

Release Version 0.13.0 · netenglabs/suzieq
Version 0.13.0