PacketFlow Newsletter #006 - April2021

Network Automation newsletter. Edition 006- April2021
PacketFlow Newsletter #006 - April2021

In Case You Missed it

If you`ve missed any of our previous posts from the month, don't fret, here they are...

The King of the Network Automation Toolbox
When it comes to network automation we are spoilt with the plethora of toolsavailable to us. One tool that deserves its space within any network automationtoolbox is Netmiko. > Netmiko is a multi-vendor Python SSH library that simplifies the process ofconfiguring and obtaining data from your net…
Forgotten to Commit? Here’s a Small Trick!
After a coffee-fuelled coding session the other day, I suddenly released that Ihad forgotten to commit. Therefore I had multiple changes in a single file thatI needed to place into different commits. After a short bit of Googling, I foundthis useful little feature within VSCode […
Simplify Parsing with Cisco’s Genie Dq
I want to share a recent addition to my network automation toolbox - Dq[] (Dictionary query). > Dq is a Cisco Genie library that provides various helper functions to ease theparsing of nested Python dictionaries. Fo…
Centralized Route Analysis with Batfish
I’m sure, by now that it’s no surprise that I`m a huge fan of Batfish! Moredetails on why here [/batfish-the-what-and-the-why/#thewhy]. Today I wanted to share with you one of the features that Batfish provides - route analysis. In short, > Batfish allows you to model your entire network and the…

Shameless Plug

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A new project that has just been released is containerlab. In short, it allows you to build a network topology using just containers. Perfect for CI pipelines, as it's lightweight and fast.

Containerlab deploys docker based meshed lab topologies


A hot area in the network automation space at the moment is Network Telemetry.
If you haven't heard of Prometheus it is a TSDB (Time Series Database) for storing your metrics, which it does very very well. A new Prometheus update (2.26) has just been released with a ton of updates, one being a new PromQL editor. Niiiice...

Blog - What’s New in Prometheus 2.26?
PromLabs - Products and services around the Prometheus monitoring system to make Prometheus work for you

Network Analysis

An excellent blog post highlighting the key strength to Batfish's power.

Network test automation: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, or Fish?
When building a network automation pipeline, one of the most important questions to consider is: How do you test network changes to prove that they will work as intended and won’t cause an outage or

Everything Else

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